Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I am very disappointed in the presidential election.

My son, Karl, got up this morning and was very sad to hear that Obama had won the election. Karl had decided that we needed to move to New Zealand.

Right then, I realized that even though we had taught Karl the importance of the freedoms that we have; the freedom to pray, to worship, and to vote, we had missed the part about respect.

I think we should really watch how we speak of our President-Elect. No matter how much we disagree with him and his policies and wonder about his background, he will soon be our President. This may not have been in God's perfect Will, but God is still in control. Therefore, no matter how much we might hate it, God allowed Senator Obama to be where he is today.

We, as followers of Christ, now more than ever, need to fall on our knees and pray for President-Elect Obama, and for our Country. It is our only hope.

We, as followers of Christ, must also remember that when we insult our leaders, that our children are learning, from us, to dis-respect these leaders. How are we ever going to expect them to grow up and have a society where respected leaders are in charge, if we teach them that our elected officials do not deserve our respect?

I write this only to share the reminder that I was given through my own child's words this morning.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Hey Karla,
Just wanted to let you know that I have changed by blog host. The address is still the same,, but it is not on Blog Spot anymore but now Wordpress.
See you Sunday!